Your homepage design must cater to numerous obligations. Instead of being centred about a single action, it should be created to serve a variety of audiences from various backgrounds. It must be resolutely constructed in order to accomplish this proficiently. In simpler terminology, you need to take account of aspects that drive traffic, inform visitors, and encourage conversions.

Here are some key elements that every Homepage should include:

Clear Navigation Menus

A clean and simple navigation will assist your users in navigating the website and learning more about the brand/product/service. Avoid using a hamburger menu on a desktop website; instead, place the most vital 4-5 links up front, with the remainder in the footer. Also, for improved user-friendliness, have a “Home” link available; don’t rely on the browser’s back button!

Value proposition

You should create a landing page dedicated specifically to the offer. The agenda is to ensure that each page has a purpose and directs customers through a set user-flow, never leaving a page there just to have it but making it have a drive and always make pages try to work for you. The only exceptions to this rule are legal pages. This includes contact pages as well. Find innovative ways to accomplish this.

Tempting Call To Action

Encourage customers to take action! It is never a good idea to leave a customer wondering how to find out more about your goods/services. And, by the way, you’re capable of doing better. Make the experience more interactive, even if you’re only attempting to acquire their information. Ask multipart questions that scroll across parts one, two, and three. Make a personalised response using the information from the form. Your website is capable of doing so; therefore, allow it to reach its full potential.

Call to Action

Show Them What You Got

Make sure your customers understand the VALUE of your product. That is, you inform them of the benefits of your product. Make sure to include any exceptional and distinct details in your offer that sugar-coat the bargain.

Products/services overview

Even if you don’t want to go into detail about your product or services on your homepage, it’s crucial to give a concise description to reassure the audience that you have what they’re looking for.

Clients/brand partners (Social proof)

Isn’t it true that “there’s no better introduction than a recommendation?” The same may be said for the internet. ‘Social proof’ is a jargon that essentially signifies an internet recommendation. To give the page legitimacy, a tweet from the page’s official Twitter account, a person or corporation sharing it, or even a pop-up stating how many people have viewed the product in the last 24 hours could be used.


People enjoy reading product reviews in particular. Make it simple and encourage your current consumers to review your products. Even if you don’t have a product/service review, make sure you include at least one for your firm. And don’t be hesitant to ask customers to leave a review after they’ve used your goods/services. The most common reason businesses do not receive reviews is that they do not ask for them.

The homepage of your site is the first introduction each visitor will have to your business. Before they make up their mind to become a customer, they’ll review your homepage to get an idea of what you sell, why that matters to them, and how they can benefit from what you have to offer.

Make a brilliant first impression with a homepage that incorporates the elements outlined above. And If you’re ready to move beyond a stock template, reach us out for Custom Website Design service today!

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